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How To Format For Both Mac And Pc

Insert the flash drive or hard drive you want to format for Windows compatibility. Go to the Applications folder on your Mac’s hard drive, then go to the Utilities folder, and launch Disk Utility. Select the drive you want to format. Warning: the following steps will delete any info you currently have on the drive. Step 1: Plug your USB flash drive in an available USB port on your computer. Step 2: Go to the Window Start Menu, then Computer. Step 3: You should see your USB flash drive. On my computer it displays as the G: Drive. Note: From this step on. Step 4: Click on the USB Disk once. Under the finder men, go to Go utilities Disk Utility or type disk utility in the spotlight and hit enter. Once under disk utility. Select your external HDD on the left side and then select partition option. Now in the Partition area, click under Partition Layout and select 1 Partition. Then, click on Options. Formatting With Windows 10 Step 1: Open Windows Disk Management To begin to format USB for Mac and PC on a Windows 10 computer, insert the USB. Step 2: Select the Drive to Format Select your USB drive in the Volume column. In most cases, this is the D: drive. Step 3: Proceeding to Format the.

  • Create a partition folder for backing up the system data and choose the partition format as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) from the Format drop-down menu.
  • Click the Apply button after partitioning your hard drive.
  • Next, create a backup of your system data using the Time Machine Backup feature.
  • Click the System Preferences icon at the Dock or click the Apple menu and select System Preferences from the drop-down menu.
  • In the System Preferences window, click the Time Machine icon and select the Add or Remove Backup Disk option.
  • Now, choose the created partition on your WD easystore hard drive to start backing up your files.
  • Click the Use Disk button and check the “Back up Automatically” checkbox under the Time Machine icon.
  • Also, check the “Show Time Machine in the menu bar” checkbox from the Time Machine window.
  • If you wish to start a backup for the next time, click the Time Machine icon at the menu bar and select the Back up Now button.
  • You can also use the WD Discovery app for accessing the WD Backup software to back up your data.

There are many reasons why you may want to format an external HDD or small flash drive. For instance:

  • You brought a new unformatted hard drive
  • If the drive is not properly formatted, it won’t work
  • You want to use your external hard drive in both MAC, PC and Linux (use FAT32)
  • Before you sell your SDcard or Pendrive, you should format it to erase its data
  • Your camera’s SD card (FAT32) can only hold a file up to 4GB file. To get larger file size format it to exFAT.

Warming: Formating a drive, also erase its data. Although you can still get it back, but it’s much harder after formatting. So if you can’t afford losing you data, take backup.

Which Format to choose?

Choosing a right file system is a bit tricky, so here are some pros and cons of all file system.

NTFS: This is windows propriety file system. Most external drives come preformatted in NTFS so that they can be used easily with Windows. However, NTFS drives are read only in MAC, but you can get write access by using software like NTFS-3g. Slot machines how they work. It also works in Linux. And to support NTFS on Android use Stick mount or Paragon NTFS, HFS and exFAT.

HFS+: Grand fortune casino no deposit codes. This MAC propriety file system and is used in iOS and MAC. If you format your external hard drive to HFS, you can use it on MAC and Linux (by removing journaling). However, to use it on Windows you can HFS explorer (read only).

ext4: This is a default file system for linux OS (including Raspberry Pi). To read an ext4 drive on Windows, you can Ext2Read and OSXfuse for MAC. However, I have not really use this format much, so we just skip it.

How To Format For Both Mac And Pc

FAT32: This oldest file system and work with all OS i.e. Windows, MAC, Linux, Android, even TV, and PS3 etc. This is why it’s used in all small flash drive. Although it lacks all modern features and comes with 4 GB limit for single file size.

exFAT: is the extended version of exFAT. It works fine with Windows and MAC (all the modern version). Keyboard layout mac os x. For Android, you can use Stick mount app (root needed). However being a windows propriety file system, it does not play well in open source environment. But unlike FAT32, it does not have 4GB limit for single file size. Thus making it ideal for SDcards of the high-end camera.

Disk Format For Both Mac And Windows

How to Format an External Hard drive or Pen drive

Now that we know the good and bad about every file system, let see how to format a drive in Windows, MAC, and Linux.


How To Format For Both Mac And Pc

Formatting a drive on Windows is quite simple. Plug in your external HDD to the USB port of your computer> then go to my computer > find your external drive > right-click it > and select format.

A new window will open, select the desired file system, keep the allocation unit size to default and check mark quick format (or it will take more time). Once done hit the format button and that’s it. How to print screen on mac mini. Within seconds, you will have your drive in the new format.

Note: While formatting a pen drive you will see FAT32, exFAT, and NTFS as the available file system. However for external HDD you won’t see the FAT32 (windows don’t suggest fat32 for bigger drives) However to get other format option you can use third-party software.


Start by connecting your external HDD to MAC’s USB port. Under the finder men, go to Go > utilities > Disk Utility or type disk utility in the spotlight and hit enter.

Once under disk utility. Select your external HDD on the left side and then select partition option.

How to view the hard drive on a mac. Now in the Partition area, click under Partition Layout and select 1 Partition. Then, click on Options. A new window will open, here select Master Boot Record and then click Ok.

Now in the right side of windows, give a name to your drive, from the drop-down select desired file system format. Make sure the size is set to an entire volume of your external drive. And once done, click on Apply.

Note: Here you will also see an option to format a large hard drive to FAT32 which is not available in Windows.

See this animated gif (Imgur)


Unlike windows and MAC, Linux does not a have built-in partition tool. So, you will have ti install a GUI tool called GParted and then plug in your external drive in the computer.

Open your terminal and type in the following command to install GParterd.

sudo apt-get install gparted

Once installed, type the following command to launch the program.

How To Format For Both Mac And Pc Download

sudo gparted

A new window will open. Big fat santa. Click on the top right side, select the volume you want to format.

Once you see the volume you want to format, right click on the block and select format > choose the file system you want > and click OK to confirm.

Format Hard Drive For Mac And Pc

Note: Since, I am running Linux in a virtual machine, in final step my Format to option is not highlighted, But in your case, you will be able to click it and select the file system you to format in. To see the final step, I suggest you check out this howtogeek article.


Say you don’t have any computer with you, now can you still format your external HDD? Well, if you have an Android (ROOT) then yes, you can still format your drive to popular formats like NTFS and HFS.

To do this, install Paragon exFAT, NTFS & HFS+ from Play store. The main function of this application is to mount NTFS or HFS formatted HDD on Android, but there is another useful option hidden under settings — i.e. formatting a drive.

Once installed, open the app, mount your drive and then go to the settings, There select the new file system for your drive, give it a name and hit format.

How To Format For Both Mac And Pc
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